“An authentic language of a woman’s health and fertility"
The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is a scientifically based method that networks fertility regulation with women’s healthcare. It can be used effectively to avoid pregnancy, achieve pregnancy, or to monitor, maintain and evaluate women’s gynecological health. This unique system of fertility regulation is supported by over 40 years of research that led the way to the new woman’s reproductive health science NaProTECHNOLOGY (natural procreative technology).
The system relies upon the standardized observation and charting of biological markers. These biomarkers help the client identify the time of fertility, time of infertility in woman’s cycle and abnormalities in a woman’s health.
It is truly the only family planning system which has networked family planning with gynecologic and procreative healthcare and health maintenance. It works cooperatively with the natural cycle and doesn’t suppress one’s fertility
It is truly the only family planning system which has networked family planning with gynecologic and procreative healthcare and health maintenance. It works cooperatively with the natural cycle and doesn’t suppress one’s fertility
- The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is based on day-to-day observations of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle.
- The Creighton Model System takes advantage of the changes associated with ovulation, treating each cycle as unique. It is NOT the Rhythm Method.
- Regular cycles are not necessary to use the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System
- Women ovulate during one 24-hour period in each cycle and the egg lives for only 12 to 24 hours if there is no conception.
- Women will experience a very definite symptom when they ovulate and for several days before, this is the time when the couple is fertile and pregnancy can occur. A woman is taught how to observe and interpret this biomarker and together the couple is taught how to use the system.
- By observing and tracking this biomarker the couple can determine the beginning and the end of fertility regardless of cycle regularity.
- It is supported by over 40 years of scientific research.
- By observing and tracking this biomarker the couple can determine the beginning and the end of fertility regardless of cycle regularity.
- There are no internal examinations, calendars, thermometers or tests strips involved in doing these observations.
- A woman, who is breastfeeding, coming off oral contraceptives, in long cycles, or in pre-menopause can use the method with a very high degree of effectiveness. It was often thought impossible to use a natural method in these reproductive categories.
- The System is a unique system of fertility regulation; it is a true system of natural family planning that helps women evaluate, maintain and monitor their health.
- It is supported by over 40 years of scientific research.
Advantages of the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System
The Advantages of Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System are numerous:
- Can be used to avoid or achieve a pregnancy
- Can be used by woman with regular or irregular cycles.
- Is completely safe- no side effects, chemicals nor devices.
- Is inexpensive and easy to learn
- Is a shared responsibility between the spouses.
- Helps women understand when menopause is approaching and ovulation stops
- Enhances a couple’s relationship by learning SPICE
- Is a valuable and excellent gynecological and health record
- Respects the dignity of women & marriage
- Is highly reliable and morally acceptable to people of all faiths
- Is essential to the monitoring & maintaining of a woman’s health
- Precisely identifies true days of fertility and infertility
Fertility Appreciation (FertilityCare®)
Fertility Appreciation can be defined as the ability to mutually value, respect, and understand one’s fertility. We, FertilityCare Professionals, tend to assist women and couples to understand, appreciate and take care of their fertility.
Through learning the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, an increased knowledge and understanding of the phases of fertility and infertility that occur in a woman’s cycle allow for a greater fertility appreciation. |
The System is in harmony with fertility, treats fertility as a gift, respects it, and never suppresses it nor turns against it; it treats fertility as part of health and not disease.
It is essential to the monitoring and maintaining of a woman’s health.
FertilityCare respects the dignity of women and the integrity of marriage.
It is essential to the monitoring and maintaining of a woman’s health.
FertilityCare respects the dignity of women and the integrity of marriage.
True System of Family Planning
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System is a means through which a couple may either achieve or avoid a pregnancy. It is based upon the couple’s own knowledge of their naturally occurring phases of fertility and infertility. It is Not contraceptive. It is Not abortifacient. It is a true family planning system.
It provides the couple with the means to be able to freely express their reproductive potential. It will assist couples of normal fertility to achieve pregnancy while being fully reliable means for avoiding pregnancy.
It will also be of assistance for couples struggling with infertility as they attempt to achieve pregnancy.
It is a unique method of fertility regulation; it relies upon a sign – the discharge of cervical mucus – that is essential to human fertility. Because of this the Creighton Model System is the most precise of all natural methods.
It will also be of assistance for couples struggling with infertility as they attempt to achieve pregnancy.
It is a unique method of fertility regulation; it relies upon a sign – the discharge of cervical mucus – that is essential to human fertility. Because of this the Creighton Model System is the most precise of all natural methods.
Achieving Pregnancy
You no longer have to try for over a year without success before seeking causes of infertility. Many couples are able to seek treatment before they are even ready to achieve pregnancy.
By the third month of charting, many health indicators become apparent, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), low progesterone, and inadequate mucus.
If a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy by the 6th cycle, we refer to NaProTECHNOLOGY physicians for an in-depth analysis of the couple’s fertility.
If a couple desires to use the system to achieve pregnancy, they would select days of fertility to have intercourse.
Click here to start learning.
If you are already diagnosed with infertility, please check here our infertility page.
By the third month of charting, many health indicators become apparent, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), low progesterone, and inadequate mucus.
If a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy by the 6th cycle, we refer to NaProTECHNOLOGY physicians for an in-depth analysis of the couple’s fertility.
If a couple desires to use the system to achieve pregnancy, they would select days of fertility to have intercourse.
Click here to start learning.
If you are already diagnosed with infertility, please check here our infertility page.
Avoiding Pregnancy
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System is 99.5% effective at avoiding pregnancy for those who use the system perfectly without any devices or hormones!
The typical user effectiveness at avoiding pregnancy is 96.8%. Comparatively, the use effectiveness of the birth control pill is 93% (Typical use failure rate: 7% according to the center for disease control and prevention website) and a condom is 87% (Typical use failure rate: 13%. according to same resource) |
Advantages of using CrMS to avoid pregnancy
- Medically safe: no artificial hormones, no irritating devices or “medicines”
- Highly effective: 99.5% method effective, 96.8% use effective
- Effective during all life circumstances, including:
- Regular Cycles
- Irregular Cycles
- Post-pill (or any other birth control)
- Postpartum
- Breastfeeding
- Pre-menopause
- or any other situation!
- A shared system between the spouses
- Natural
- Respects the dignity of women and integrity of marriage
- Standardized
After learning the Creighton Model, intercourse should be avoided when trying to avoid pregnancy during the days of fertility (heavy and moderate days of the menstrual flow and the days charted with stamps with baby on them shown on this chart. The couple is encouraged to express love in non-genital ways on days of fertility by adding SPICE (Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Communicative, Emotional) to their life. Check our SPICE page here. The system fosters increased communication and strengthens marital bonding through different SPICE activities.
So many times, while couples are using the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System to avoid pregnancy, biomarkers that might lead to infertility problems are identified and treated prior to the couple's decision to change their intentions to using the system from a method of avoiding to a method of achieving pregnancy.
So many times, while couples are using the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System to avoid pregnancy, biomarkers that might lead to infertility problems are identified and treated prior to the couple's decision to change their intentions to using the system from a method of avoiding to a method of achieving pregnancy.
FertilityCare is accessible
The FertilityCare System is for you if you are:
Interested in empowering yourself and in learning the system?
Click here for more information on how to learn the system and start charting your cycle.
- In regular cycles
- In Irregular cycles
- Coming off hormonal contraceptives
- Breastfeeding
- Experiencing difficulty in achieving pregnancy
- Not Ovulating
- Experiencing Stress
- Concerned about effectiveness
- Looking for couple involvement and shared responsibility
- Looking for a method that respects life
- Looking for a method that is in keeping with the Church’s teaching
Interested in empowering yourself and in learning the system?
Click here for more information on how to learn the system and start charting your cycle.