The Catholic Church cares about marriage. The Second Vatican Council said, “The well-being of the individual person and of human and Christian society is intimately linked with the healthy condition of that community produced by marriage and family” (Gaudium et Spes. . . , no. 48). Marriage is a gift to society.
The Catholic Church cares about your marriage. Every marriage witnesses to God’s faithful, fruitful, and lasting love for His people. Marriage confers a myriad of benefits on a husband and wife, and on any children that they are blessed with. The Church provides many on-the-ground helps for couples to keep their marriages strong, happy, and holy.
We too care about your marriage. We want to provide all priests and laity involved in marriage enrichment ministry resources to help strengthen marriages in their parishes.
The Catholic Church cares about your marriage. Every marriage witnesses to God’s faithful, fruitful, and lasting love for His people. Marriage confers a myriad of benefits on a husband and wife, and on any children that they are blessed with. The Church provides many on-the-ground helps for couples to keep their marriages strong, happy, and holy.
We too care about your marriage. We want to provide all priests and laity involved in marriage enrichment ministry resources to help strengthen marriages in their parishes.
A Marriage Enrichment Evening can be a great opportunity for couples to spend time together, reflect on the meaning and purpose of their marriage and to be rejuvenated in living their vocation to married life.
There are a number of speakers that can be contacted for Marriage Enrichment events within the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn. They can be contacted by clicking on the name of their community or contact the office to book one for your parish. Please be aware that these speakers need to be contacted few months ahead of the event.
There are a number of speakers that can be contacted for Marriage Enrichment events within the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn. They can be contacted by clicking on the name of their community or contact the office to book one for your parish. Please be aware that these speakers need to be contacted few months ahead of the event.
- Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (Father Bonaventure or other CFR priest who is involved in marriage ministry)
- The Catholic Psych Institute has a number of therapists who do give talks for married and engaged couples. Contact Dr. Gregory Bottaro ([email protected]) director of the Institute, for scheduling.
"World Marriage Day honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married life." World Marriage Day is the second Sunday of February.
National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14 each year) is a great opportunity “to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family” says Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap., Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family and Youth in his letter to all U.S. bishops. For more information click here.
National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14 each year) is a great opportunity “to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family” says Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap., Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family and Youth in his letter to all U.S. bishops. For more information click here.
Resources for couples:
- How to Pray with Your Spouse Four simple steps
- Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Local retreats for deepening and renewing your marriage.
- For Your Marriage. Practical resources for deepening and preserving your marriage.
- Retrouvaille. Local retreats to heal ailing or difficult marriages.