Don't forget to check also our other resources page which can be accessed here and has helpful information to refer couples to different ministries.
Bulletin Blurbs
Below you will find many options for announcements to be inserted in the bulletin ad educate people about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. Priests can insert different ones every week or month and use anyone of the titles listed at the end.
Life Affirming Women’s Healthcare
Are you still looking for real solutions to real problems like PMS, repetitive miscarriage, PCOS, hormonal problems, infertility etc...? Do you struggle with infertility and hope to achieve pregnancy in a natural and effective way? Come and learn about the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System and the reproductive science of NaProTECHNOLOGY®, a healthy alternative to IVF. Experience the Freedom of a True Diagnosis & a Natural & Cooperative Approach to Treatment With NaProTECHNOLOGY®. Check here for more information.
Marriage & Infertility
"We often assume parenthood happens easily after "I do," but for many married couples, it does not. If you experience difficulty bringing a child into your family, know that you are not alone. God is with you, and his Church desires to walk with you." For more information about real solutions offered to couples going through this distress, please click here.
Be Empowered!
Discover what every couple needs to know, and what every woman has a right to know. Attend an introductory session about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. These sessions provide in-depth information on a scientifically based system that helps married couples mutually value, respect and understand their combined fertility by promoting shared responsibility and marital bonding; system that empowers women to manage PMS, Menopause, infertility, and other health problems through NaProTECHNOLOGY, a reproductive science. For more information, contact Marise Frangie 914-393-8907 or [email protected] or check
There is alternative!
There is an alternative to artificial methods of birth control and artificial reproductive technologies. Learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, a new reproductive science that is highly effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy, and offers couples who are experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy while following the teachings of the Church. Check out more here.
SPICE up your Marriage
Marriage is a roller-coaster, not a merry-go-round. It requires dedication, sacrifice, compromise and ongoing effort to make it a lifelong commitment. It is crucial to strengthen the marital bond between husband and wife to provide the best foundation for the family. To learn more about how you can enrich your marriage and add SPICE to it, click here.
More bulletin inserts can be accessed here

§ A Preachable Message is designed to help clergy preach about the sometimes difficult topic of natural family planning. This book features an introduction by Cardinal Timothy Dolan and offers ideas from bishops and priests throughout the US, Canada and Mexico. For additional information, please check here.
The first part of this book contains interviews with priests who do preach on NFP and who want to reassure their fellow clergy that these fears are unfounded. In general, the message of NFP is well-received and bears fruit in happier marriages.
As Archbishop Charles Chaput shares, “They will find that the Lord gives them the strength to communicate this teaching in the right way, to speak it clearly. And I believe they will be astonished at the response that such preaching generates in the lives of the faithful.” Priests shouldn’t worry that if they preach this message that they will lose people. Instead they should worry that “if priests don’t preach the Church’s message about contraception, heaven loses people. . . . Should we stop teaching the truth because it is difficult? Of course not.”
The first part of this book contains interviews with priests who do preach on NFP and who want to reassure their fellow clergy that these fears are unfounded. In general, the message of NFP is well-received and bears fruit in happier marriages.
As Archbishop Charles Chaput shares, “They will find that the Lord gives them the strength to communicate this teaching in the right way, to speak it clearly. And I believe they will be astonished at the response that such preaching generates in the lives of the faithful.” Priests shouldn’t worry that if they preach this message that they will lose people. Instead they should worry that “if priests don’t preach the Church’s message about contraception, heaven loses people. . . . Should we stop teaching the truth because it is difficult? Of course not.”
§ The Saint Louis NFP Office has lot of clergy resources available on their website. You can click here to check it.
§ The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has new resources for clergy. To view their website, you can click here.
§ The Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska offers every year their Love and Life Unlimited conference to ponder, promote, proclaim the Catholic vision of reproduction health care. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call (402) 390-9168
To get more information about the Creighton Model System, NaProTECHNOLOGY and its developer Dr Hilgers, you can check the website of the Pope Paul VI Institute for The Study of Human Reproduction here
§ The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has new resources for clergy. To view their website, you can click here.
§ The Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska offers every year their Love and Life Unlimited conference to ponder, promote, proclaim the Catholic vision of reproduction health care. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call (402) 390-9168
To get more information about the Creighton Model System, NaProTECHNOLOGY and its developer Dr Hilgers, you can check the website of the Pope Paul VI Institute for The Study of Human Reproduction here