Videos from Ascension Press by Jackie Francois & Bobby
Reasons to Stop Taking the Pill (by clicking on the link you will directed to the website with the video along with the research and stats that Jackie mentioned in the video)
Why We don't use Contraception in our marriage
Why we love NFP?
Why we hate NFP?
Reasons to Stop Taking the Pill (by clicking on the link you will directed to the website with the video along with the research and stats that Jackie mentioned in the video)
Why We don't use Contraception in our marriage
Why we love NFP?
Why we hate NFP?
This is a great testimony given by a practitioner intern Leah Collins!!!
This is an introductory video in English and Arabic to a series of testimonies videos of women and their husbands whose lives have been touched by the great work of the Pope Paul VI Institute mostly based on the book “In their own words Women healed”. It is time for real women empowerment! Women (and couples) deserve real solution to the real problems they are facing like miscarriage, PMS, PCOS, infertility, unusual bleeding ..
Click more here for "Women Healed" Videos.
Great Interview with Windy Ohm FCPI !!! |
Inspiring Interview with EPII Class in SC!!! |
Interview with FCPIs at EPI in Rochester NY March 2022
“ Innovations in Women’s Health Care” A seminar on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTECHNOLOGY at Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral in Brooklyn NY on May 4th 2019 with Dr Lenore Snowden. Real solutions to real problems (like infertility, PMS, miscarriage, etc..)were shared with the attendees. |
“ Innovations in Women’s Health Care” A seminar on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTECHNOLOGY at Saint Maron in PA on Saturday March 23rd 2019 with Dr Monique Ruberu who presented different approach for treating problems (like infertility, PMS, miscarriage, etc.. |
“ Innovations in Women’s Health Care”
A seminar on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTECHNOLOGY at Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral in Brooklyn NY on May 30 2017. This seminar shed light on the great work being done in building a culture of life in women’s healthcare using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaPro Technology and provided lay people, medical professionals, clergy and religious with information and resources useful to help couples struggling with infertility (and contemplating in vitro fertilization (IVF)), couples who want effective natural birth regulation, and women struggling with various gynecologic issues such as repetitive miscarriage, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, postpartum depression, premenopause, etc. |
On August 21st, 2018, Bishop Joseph Mouawad invited Marise Frangie CFCE to give a conference in Zahle to clergy and laity about the Creighton Model Fertility Care System and NaProTECHNOLOGY. The conference was in Arabic Language |